Today is Women’s Day! I believe everyday is Women’s Day, and I don’t think there needs to be a special day to celebrate being a Woman. I also don’t believe in Woman Power and the desperate need to be equal to men.
If I shut my eyes today and look back at the 40 years that have passed by; there have been so many achievements that I am proud of. At the same time, there are many incidents that have left me unhappy, scarred, but I look at them more as experiences.
As a kid, I enjoyed being a little sibling to my first sister who is 12 years older to me. I saw a mother, friend and role model in her. My second sister who is 10 years older to me brought the balance in my childhood by being the home-bound one since she is physically handicapped. She gave me warmth, silence and the much needed feeling of being accepted for the whacky kid that I was. I found it a matter of pride to be the daughter of a mother who lost her husband when I was all of 5 years old. Growing up in a household full of women, achievers in their own way, I don’t see the need to acknowledge anything special or powerful. An all-girls school and college gave me more opportunity to see achievers in academics, sports and arts. When I stepped out of college and went on to complete my computer course and joined work, I started having the opportunity to meet and interact with men. I realized that my perception of woman power hadn’t changed, since I continued to see that women excelled in every field.
Now I am all grown up, and live with 3 boys! It does make me feel special because they make me feel like superwoman. So..... I do not need a particular day to celebrate it!
As a mother, I would love to teach my kids to respect women for what they are and the choices they make. But that is something I would teach them about every human. Hopefully they will get there.
I don’t think I will ever teach them the significance of a Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc. If they happen to pick it up from school, newspapers or from friends, they can get fair and true answers from me if they want to know….. but that’s about how much I will do for Women’s Day!
All you people out there, stay happy and stay blessed, today and everyday.
All you people out there, stay happy and stay blessed, today and everyday.